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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

As we are starting the school year differently, we are doing all our paperwork and fees online. You can sign up and pay to be a member of the National PTA. This gets you a discount card to some stores and lets you support the organization, but isn't required to help on any of our committees. We also collect a $3 per student snack fee that pays for the treats PTA supplies for the class holiday parties. The forms and fees can be completed by clicking on Fall 2021 Back to School Forms.

We are selling t-shirts, masks, and other Panther gear as our Fall fundraiser this year. Orders will be done online directly through BengalWorks. Feel free to splurge knowing you are getting great gear but also supporting the PTA's Fall fundraiser! 🙂 Click on the link for BengalWorks - Chubbuck Elementary.

Orders and forms will be open until Wednesday, Sept. 16th.